Your financial situation is looking a bit brighter, though you may not be able to see it yet
You feel too good to worry about trivialities today
You're dealing with one obstacle after another today: forgotten keys, absent-minded customers, last-minute changes of plans, for example
Your social life should really take off today
Focus on career issues today
Reach out to your mate or to someone estranged today
You're a sight to behold today, and if you're single, that state might not last for long! It's a really good time for you to get out there and show off what you've got for all the world to see!More horoscopes! Check your
Your energy is pulling you in a new direction today, but you need to be sure your partner (or family) is ready for the changes
You can express yourself with great clarity right now, so much so that you might surprise some people! It's a really good time for you to get to know someone who has been standoffish
You're a creative powerhouse right now, which could mean you're doing anything from dreaming up new schemes to pounding out work projects while having fun with it all
A message from an older relative takes you by surprise, but it should be a pleasant one! See if you can get your people together to help out or just to reconnect